
Templates in jalbum
Templates in jalbum

templates in jalbum

(Optionally) Add a user variable topAlbumTitle to your JAlbum project. If not set, all pictures found are included and that may lead to rather big feed files. If set, then only pictures which is not older than 'rssItemsNotOlderThanDays' days are included in the RSS feed.

  • (Optionally) Add a user variable rssItemsNotOlderThanDays to your JAlbum project.
  • The value of this variable should be the root of the webalbum on your webserver (for example )
  • Add a user variable 'webroot' to your JAlbum project.
  • Templates in jalbum download#

    Download the updated album.rss file and copy it to Jalbum/system directory.Make a backup of the Jalbum/system/album.rss file.The template now runs successfully on my webalbum picture collection (4500 pictures). So I had to test for this, try to convert to required type where possible and if all failed, the picture is ignored and not included in the RSS feed. Second, some of the standard JAlbum variable sdid not always have the same Java type and sometimes were simply not set when trying to access them from the album.rss tempate. First, it was not possible to use a, but using .LSSerializer it worked fine. While implementing the new template file I did run into a few problems that I could not explain, but did find a workaround for.

    templates in jalbum

    No real inclusion and it feels a bit redundant to include items in the RSS feed of the folder itself and in the feeds of all parent folders, but at least the feed is now working in regular RSS readers. So I changed the albums.rss template such that items of subfolder are also added to the album.rss feed file of the parent folder. It appears that there is no (standard) way to have an RSS feed include another RSS feed. The issue with the inclusion of images from subfolders required a bit more work. The issue with the relative URLs could easily be fixed by adding a user defined variable in JAlbum and some minor adjustments to the album.rss template. Luckily JAlbum is pretty open and you can easily customized skins and also the template that generates the album.rss feed. In addition to the reported erros, the tags are nog recognized by regular RSS readers. As an example, here's the result of running an original JAlbum generated RSS feed through. You can try this out by running the generated feeds through. JAlbum uses a proprietary JAlbum tag ()to include sub folder RSS feeds and this tag is nog recognized by regular RSS feeds The goal of including the items of subfolders in the parent RSS feed is to make it possible to subscribe to 1 feed and also get items in subolders included (instead of having to subscribe to each subfolder feed separately). the way JAlbum feeds try to include feeds of subfolders.the fact that the generated feeds contains relative URLS (and RSS requires absolute URLs).Unfortunately, the feeds are not accepted by standard RSS readers like Google Reader and NetNewsWire. Since version 8 JAlbum supports RSS feeds for the generated webalbums.

    Templates in jalbum