Hypochlorous Acid : An Ideal Wound Care Agent with Powerful Microbicidal, Antibiofilm, and Wound Healing Potency. WOUNDS, 26(12), 342-350. Sakarya, S., MD, Gunay, N., MS, Karakulak, M., MS, Ozturk, B., MD, & Ertugrul, B., MD. Possible consequences of shaking hands with your patients with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol. Azar MJ, Dhaliwal DK, Bower KS, Kowalski RP, et al. Virucidal efficacy of povidone-iodine-containing disinfectants. Lett Appl Microbiol. Facts About the Cornea and Corneal Disease. Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Escherichia Coli Clinical Presentation. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: the current situation and recommendations for prevention and treatment. Meyer- Rusenberg B, Loderstadt U, Richard G, Kaulfers PM, et al. Zenoptiq’s advanced stabilized formulation, in conjunction with its 18-month shelf life, provides an optimized potency of HOCl (0.01% HOCl Spray, 0.0085% HOCl Gel), making other commercially available products containing higher concentrations of HOCl nonessential. Imbalance of microorganisms within biofilm can lead to inflammation and potential for infection. HOCl is also especially effective in degrading biofilm (which is similar to a force field that helps protect bacteria) and neutralizing inflammatory mediators in the body to reduce bacterial growth on the skin. Zenoptiq kills 99.99% of Staphylococcus aureus within 30 seconds, via the time kill testing.* aureus may reduce the debilitating symptoms of Pruritus. Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacterial overgrowth on the skin, is commonly known to exacerbate Pruritus. Ocular Pruritus, severe itching of the skin around the eye, is a common symptom of several ocular related surface diseases (including MGD, Blepharitis, and Dry Eye) that can often significantly impact the quality of life, leading patients to their eye care professionals in search of relief.

Using Zenoptiq, with its active ingredient Hypochlorous Acid (0.01% HOCl Spray, 0.0085% HOCl Gel), may reduce itch and inflammation commonly associated with MGD, Blepharitis, and Dry Eye. Millions of Americans suffer from chronic eye conditions-such as Dry Eye, MGD, and Blepharitis-which may be caused by a microbial invasion, or overpopulation of microorganisms, which can live on the eyelids and lashes. The National Eye Institute says an estimated 400,000 Americans have experienced some form of ocular herpes, with close to 50,000 new and recurring cases occurring each year. Iridocyclitis is a type of uveitis that affects the more frontal portions of the inside of the eye. Iridocyclitis is a serious form of eye herpes where the iris and surrounding tissues inside the eye become inflamed, causing severe sensitivity to light, blurred vision, pain, and red eyes.According to National Eye Institute, about 25% of new and recurring cases of herpes eye infections result in stromal keratitis. This can lead to scarring, loss of vision and, occasionally, blindness. Stromal keratitis occurs when the infection goes deeper into the layers of the cornea.Ocular herpes in this form generally affects only the top layer, or the epithelium, of the cornea, and usually heals without scarring.

I do like that this Pharmacy has some.Caused by the herpes simplex virus, eye herpes is a common, recurrent viral infection affecting the eyes. It is nice not to have to go to an actual post office location. I really mainly come here for the Post Office. I come to Post Haste Pharmacy on and off. There will be numerous people in the pharmacy area, they don't even make eye contact with you, then. I have run in there a few times, I can honestly say not one of my visits have been pleasurable. Bob Fishman - rude, huge ego, amateur with hormones, he cannot think outside his small box, he loves to hear himself talk, he does not listen, he does not care, he is. Unless you drop off a paper script, there is no hope in them. None of the doctors are able to reach them. None of the scripts from the hospitals ever go through. Along with the post office that shares the space, it is a very old school philosophy that includes personal attention. Post Haste is not your average drugstore.